

Spatial distribution of perfluorinated organic compounds in surface marine sediments from the Seto Inland Sea, Japan

Asaoka, S., Yoshiki, R., Haga, Y. Matsumura, C., Umehara, A., Takeda, K.

J. Water Environ. Technol., Vol.18, No.4, p.226-237, 2020


Suppression of the genes responsible for transporting hydrophobic pollutants leads to the production of safer crops

Fujita K.,  Haga Y., Yoshihara R., Matsumura C., Inui H.

Science of the Total Environment, Vol.741,140439, 2020

 疎水性汚染物質は、環境中をはじめ、植物中においても世界中に広く分布している。ウリ科作物は、地上部に高濃度の疎水性汚染物質を蓄積する。これには、疎水性汚染物質の輸送因子のMajor latex-like protein(MLP)が大きく関与している。



Pesticide treatment reduces hydrophobic pollutant contamination in Cucurbita pepo through competitive binding to major latex-like proteins

Fujita K., Kondoh Y., Honda K., Haga Y., Osada H., Matsumura, C.,  Inui H.

Environmental Pollution, Vol.266,  115179, 2020

 ダイオキシン類や殺虫剤ディルドリン、内分泌かく乱化学物質 (通称: 環境ホルモン) などの有機汚染物質は、難分解性、高蓄積性や毒性を持つことから、製造や使用が禁止されている。しかし、禁止に至るまでの間に大量に使用されたため、環境中に広く存在しており、農地も例外ではない。ウリ科作物は、疎水性汚染物質を地上部に蓄積することが知られている。

Development of a rapid and comprehensive method for identifying organic micropollutants with high ecological risk to the aquatic environment

Miyawaki, T., Nishino, T., Asakawa, D., Haga, Y., Hasegawa, H., Kadokami, K.

Chemosphere, Vol.263, 128258, 2021



最終処分場の浸出水におけるPFASs およびその前駆物質,HBCD にかかる分析法と濃度実態の整理

松村千里, 羽賀雄紀

廃棄物資源循環学会誌, Vol. 32, pp. 33-40, 2021 

 最終処分場の浸出水を対象に、PFASs およびその前駆物質とHBCD にかかる分析法と濃度実態について整理した。


吉識亮介, 羽賀雄紀, 山﨑富夫,中越章博,山本勝也, 松村千里, 藤森一男

環境化学, Vol. 31, pp. 30-39(2021)

 2014年から2017年にかけて県内の河川34地点と大気5 地点においてベンゾトリアゾール系紫外線吸収剤(BUVSs) の調査を行った。河川水では,4 地点でUV-326 のみが検出された。大気中では,全5 地点からBUVSs が検出され,一般大気中にBUVSs が存在することを国内外で初めて報告した。


中越 章博, 本田 理,山﨑 富夫,栫 拓也,羽賀 雄紀,望月 証,松村 千里

令和2年度農薬残留総合対策調査報告書 p123-136(2021)

水域の生活環境動植物の被害防止に係る登録基準値及び 水質汚濁に係る登録基準値と環境中予測濃度(以下「PEC」 という。)が近接している農薬について、河川における濃度実態の調査及び環境中農薬濃度 が当該基準値等を超えないようにする措置の検証を行うことを目的として本調査を実施している。本年度は千種川水系の河川中のクロチアニジン等のネオニコチノイド系農薬の濃度を4~10月に週1回以上の測定を行い、当該基準を超過していないこと及びクロチアニジン等の河川中の濃度の変化が水稲の農作業に連動していることを確認した。


Natural aeolian dust particles have no substantial effect on atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): A laboratory study based on naphthalene 

Lulu Zhang, Xuan Zhang, Wanli Xing, Quanyu Zhou, Lu Yang, Ryohei Nakatsubo, Yongjie Wei, Jianrong Bi, Masayuki Shima, Akira Toriba, Kazuichi Hayakaw, Ning Tang

Environmental Pollution, 263, 114454, 2020.8

 Natural aeolian dust (AD) particles are potential carriers of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the atmosphere. The heterogeneous interaction between them may lead to worsened air quality and enhanced cytotoxicity and carcinogenicity of ambient particulates in downwind areas, and this topic requires in-depth exploration. In this study, AD samples were collected from four Asian dust sources, and their physical properties and compositions were determined, showing great regional differences. The physical and chemical interactions of different AD particles with naphthalene (Nap; model PAH) were observed in aqueous systems. The results showed that AD particles from the Loess Plateau had weak adsorption to Nap, which was fitted by the Langmuir isotherm. There was no obvious adsorption to Nap found for the other three AD samples. This difference seemed to depend mainly on the specific surface area and/or the total pore volume. In addition, the Nap in the aqueous solution did not undergo chemical reactions under dark conditions and longwave ultraviolet (UV) radiation but degraded under shortwave UV radiation, and 2-formylcinnamaldehyde and 1,4-naphthoquinone were the first-generated products. The degradation of Nap in the aqueous solution was probably initiated by photoionization, and the reaction rate constant (between 1.44 × 10−4 min−1 and 8.55 × 10−4 min−1) was much lower than that of Nap with hydroxyl radicals. Instead of inducing or promoting the chemical change in Nap, the AD particles slowed photodegradation due to the extinction of radiation. Therefore, it is inferred that natural AD particles have no substantial effect on the transportation and transformation of PAHs in the atmosphere.

Symbolic seasonal variation newly found in atmospheric ammonia concentration in urban area of Japan

Duy V. Nguyen, Hiroshi Sato, Hitoshi Hamada, Shinichi Yamaguchi, Takatoshi Hiraki, Ryouhei Nakatsubo, Kentaro Murano, Masahide Aikawa

Atmospheric Environment, 244, 117943 - 117943, 2021.1

 The NH3(g) concentration measured at multi-site network in Kobe and Kitakyushu, Japan by using passive method continuously for one year in the late 2000s (September 2008–August 2009) and March 2018–February 2019, respectively, was statistically analyzed from the viewpoint of its controlling factors for temporal variation and spatial distribution. Nine survey sites were established in a region of Kobe, where highly urbanized, agricultural and mountainous areas were located within a 20-km x 20-km region; and one site in Kitakyushu, considered as urbanized and industrialized area, was taken into account. In terms of temporal variation, in both areas of Kobe and Kitakyushu, the NH3(g) concentration indicated lower level in the summer than those in other seasons and experienced higher concentration in colder period, which was newly found compared with the conventional wisdom and results in former studies. Regarding spatial distribution, the NH3(g) concentration showed large variations depending on the site, and the annual mean NH3(g) concentration ranged from 0 ppb (not detected: N.D.) to around 5 ppb. The NH3(g) concentration at the mountainous site with high elevation was the lowest, while it was the highest at the site where the contribution of agriculture was noticeably large in the NH3 inventory, followed by commercial and residential areas. The meteorological factors significantly contributed to the specific seasonal variation; moreover, multiple factors such as located situation, acid-base balance in the atmospheric reaction and vehicular emission were mutually related and presumably responsible for the seasonality of higher in the colder season and lower in the warmer season. When the NH3(g) concentration in the urbanized area is discussed, as in our present study area, the proportion of humans and pets (Human&Pet) to the total in the NH3 inventory could be a good parameter to account for the NH3(g) concentration.

Source apportionment in PM2.5 in central Japan using positive matrix factorization focusing on small-scale local biomass burning

Fumikazu Ikemori, Katsushige Uranishi, Daichi Asakawa, Ryohei Nakatsubo, Masahide Makino, Mizuka Kido, Noriko Mitamura, Katsuyoshi Asano, Suguru Nonaka, Rie Nishimura, Seiji Sugata

Atmospheric Pollution Research, Vol. 12, 3, 162-172, 2021.1

 Here, we discuss the influences of small-scale biomass burning (BB) originating from local/regional emissions, such as agricultural waste burning, which are difficult to detect via remote sensing. To evaluate the BB contribution, we used a positive matrix factorization (PMF) model with chemical component data including levoglucosan, a useful BB indicator, at multiple urban, suburban, and background sites in central Japan during two weeks in October and November of 2014 and January and February of 2015. High levoglucosan concentrations were observed not only at the suburban sites but also at the urban sites. At the background site located downwind of Northeast China, the levoglucosan concentrations were elevated when air masses were transported from Northeast China, where fire spots were detected. Meanwhile, at the other sites, small-scale local or regional BB emissions prevailed, and fire spots were rarely detected. At these sites, the levoglucosan levels were high although the relevant air masses did not originate in Northeast China. The source apportionment results demonstrated that in fall, BB was a significant source of particulate matter with diameters of less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5), organic carbon, and elemental carbon at all sites. Notably, the BB contributions to PM2.5 were higher at an urban site located near farmland than at other urban sites in fall and winter. Our results indicate that specific BB emission sources, such as local, small, and irregular open field burning, impact the air quality not only at suburban areas but also at urban areas in central Japan.


川本 雄大, 田内 萌絵, 山地 一代, 中坪 良平, 板野 泰之, 山本 勝彦, 和田 匡司, 林 美鶴

大気環境学会誌, 56(2), 35 - 42, 2021.2

 瀬戸内海周辺地域は全国的に見て相対的に大気汚染物質濃度が高い状態にあり、この原因の一つが、船舶由来の排気ガスとの指摘がある。本研究では、瀬戸内海海上と周辺陸上局にてそれぞれ測定された大気中のSO2、NOx、PM2.5の時空間変動の特徴とその要因を考察した。垂水局と兵庫南部局にてConditional Bivariate Probability Function解析等を行った結果、SO2濃度は海風の進入とともに上昇し、高濃度時には船舶の往来が集中する明石海峡方向からの大気の流入が確認できた。これは、二山型の日内変動を示すNOxとは異なる傾向となった。PM2.5は、春から秋にかけて日中の濃度上昇が確認できたが、SO2やNOxと比較して日内変動幅は小さく、広域的な汚染であることが示唆された。海上のSO2濃度は、最大で陸上局濃度の約5倍となり、他方、NOxは陸上局と同程度あるいは低濃度、PM2.5は陸上局とほぼ同程度であった。大阪湾・播磨灘および周辺沿岸地域において、SO2とNOxの主要な発生源は、それぞれ海上と陸上に存在する可能性が示された。


板野泰之, 中坪良平, 松見豊

クリーンテクノロジー, 30 (1), 12-15 (2020)



三原悠, 浅野一朗, 段智久, 岡村秀雄, 松村千里, 羽賀雄紀, 中坪良平

日本マリンエンジニアリング学会誌, 56(3), 473-483, 2021

 本研究では高粘度難燃性物質であるC重油,液化ジメチルエーテル(DME)および木タールをベースとする試料を用いて,実験用ディーゼルエンジンおよび各種分析装置による燃焼試験およびPM解析試験(変異原性試験、PAHs類や無機元素成分の測定)を実施し,工学的および生物的・化学的観点より燃焼特性を評価した。C重油にDMEを15~30%添加することでPAHsの総濃度が減少する傾向が確認できた。また、 C重油に木タールを混合することで,C重油由来のVやNiの排出が抑制された。
